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    Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 16:30 pm / Closed on Weekends

Man Isn’t “Wired” For Retirement

Man Isn’t “Wired” For Retirement

Nowhere in the bible is the word or concept of retirement mentioned. The first recorded use of a state pension was in 13 BC by Augustus Caesar for military veterans who had served at least 16 years in a legion and 4 years in the reserves. This was later increased to...

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The Only Return That Matters Is A Real Return

The Only Return That Matters Is A Real Return

The financial services industry thrives in making simple things complex. This allows it to charge for solving the problems it creates. The biggest area where this happens is in asset management, where managers promise to outperform the market and deliver high returns....

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Are You Living Your Best Life?

Are You Living Your Best Life?

Are you living your best life? If you’re not sure, think about it and find out. Most see retirement as a single event or milestone, and the biggest question they have is: “Am I going to be ok”? Or, put differently, “Do I have enough”? This week, among the meetings I...

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The Difference Between Being Rich and Being Wealthy

The Difference Between Being Rich and Being Wealthy

We may think that being rich and being wealthy are really the same thing but in fact, they are miles apart. Morgan Housel author of “the psychology of money”, describes the highest form of wealth as “being able to do what you want, when you want for as long as you...

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Building A Social Life After Relocating

Building A Social Life After Relocating

Relocating is a goal that we help many seniors plot on their retirement journey. However, moving into that dream retirement home can create a new set of challenges for folks who haven’t thought about how they’re going to spend their time and who with, in a whole new...

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Missing The Best 10 Days

Missing The Best 10 Days

We all know that the stock market can be unpredictable and volatile, but did you know that just a few missed opportunities could significantly impact your returns? Let’s take a look at the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) over the past decade. Despite some ups and...

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If you’ve ever asked someone whether they have a financial plan and been met with a blank stare you are not alone. Too often do we speak with prospective clients who have no idea what a financial plan is, how it is made, and what it does for them. Possibly the worst...

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Financial Planning

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