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(+27) 41 581 2833

Certified Financial Planner ®

Alex Blumberg

Experience & Activities

Energetic, Driven, Sports Fanatic

Alex draws inspiration from a wide variety of role models, from sporting giants such as Caster Semenya and Jan Frodeno, to former FNB Ceo Michael Jordaan, and space expert Dr Adriana Marais. With such a dynamic pool of examples to draw from, it’s easy to see where his energy and drive come from!

His favourite moments with clients are the times when he is helping someone who feels self-conscious about how little money they have, but still want to do the right thing financially. In these moments, Alex feels like he is truly adding value to clients by teaching them how to make the right financial decisions and work with what they do have in order to reach their lifestyle goals.

In true sports-fanatic style, he can usually be found running, cycling, playing soccer or rugby, during his free time. Alex also enjoys reading to expand his knowledge base.

Alex often gets asked by clients, “Is Dirk on holiday again?” and, well, the answer is usually yes because Dirk is living his dreams! (You can too, just ask us how.)

For Alex, the best thing about working at Client Care is knowing that we make a difference in every client’s life.